MYWHY?                                            MYHEROES?                  

I have been doing truck driving for the past 6 years or so & one day, I realized one word we don't see while driving down the road is PEACE. Out of sight, out of mind. 

The mind is like a computer; it can be programmed & reprogrammed. Our minds are programmed through repetition. Repetitive words, repetitive thoughts, repetitive actions, the things we see, feel, & hear becomes a HABIT/PATTERN/BELIEF. Faith comes by hearing & hearing & hearing. If someone told a lie over and over again, we would eventually believe it. Telling the truth is the same way.

A computer is programmed through repetitive 1's & zeros. Program is just another way of saying belief. We can rewrite our programing/our beliefs through positive affirmations. An affirmation reiterated is called a Mantra. Let us reprogram our minds with repetitive thoughts of PEACE. May we wish to see IAWP become a world-wide affirmation & mantra. I envision the I Am World Peace Logo GLOBALLY!! 

The more we see the word peace whether it be on a t-shirt, billboard, decal, or whatever, the more we can download it into our subconscious & begin to raise the vibration of the planet in order to shift the collective consciousness. A consciousness full of peace, love, & light. 

Convoluted Universe book 2 by Dolores Cannon states that our negative thoughts, emotions, & beliefs create negative pollution that is harmful not only to our atmosphere, but to Mother Earth, other Planets, Dimensions, & Universes. It is because of Dolores Cannon's books; other books, Spiritual Tony's Music, & my talent for art that inspired me to act.

I asked myself, how can I use my art to impact the world? Sure, I could airbrush something & put a smile on someone's face as well as my own. But, how could I benefit the world before my last breath? I knew that words have power, so I asked myself again, "What does the world need? What is it missing? My answer was & still is peace. The missing piece is PEACE; INNER PEACE.

People suffer from excessive thinking. Overthinking = Worry = Stress. Thinking about their bills. Thinking about their stressful jobs. Thinking about their cash flow. The ongoing thought of working 40+ hours a week. Thinking about what clothes they'll wear or what they're going to eat next. Taxes. Their credit scores. What he said or she said? Am I likable? Am I good enough? Am I popular? With a busy mind, it's no wonder we couldn't find peace. For that, we wandered.

Inner peace is the richest feeling one could ever feel. There is no price you can put on peace. No amount of money could ever buy it. It comes from within. If you can be grateful for one dollar, you can be grateful for one million.

Inner peace brings outer peace.

The Book, the Four Agreements says, "Don't take anything personal!"

If someone has a problem with you, they have a problem within themselves.

If someone doesn't have peace with you, they don't have peace within themselves!

Everything in life is a reflection of you! Our inner world creates our outer world.

As above, so below. As within, so without.

IAWP reminds us that WE'RE ALL ONE.

We all come from the same tree. Which tree? The Divine Tree and that's what makes us equal.

DIVINITY is in everyone & everything and everything has consciousness. 

Love isn't something you get; it is something you give.

The Law of Karma says, You Get What You Give! Or in biblical terms, "You reap what you sow!"

The reason we judge others is because we judge ourselves! We look in the mirror and criticize ourselves! Labels create division\separation. All is within our MIND.


IAWP is about killing our ego's and detaching from every identity we masked since we were children. A name is just a name. Our names were given to us by our parents, before that, we didn't have a name. Ever thought what you would name yourself if your parents didn't name you? 

Birthplace is the difference between The United States and the people of the Ukraine & Palestine! If we, in the United States were born in their country, it would be US getting bombed! Birthplace is also the reason for our differences in beliefs. If I was born in Japan, India, Africa, or any other country, my beliefs would be completely different than that of the United States. 

Silence is acceptance. I thought being an adult meant to speak up when we see or hear unethical behavior? I Am World Peace raises the hair that we have a responsibility to our planet and to each other. No more waiting for Governments to take action. No more waiting on Christ to bring World Peace. INSTEAD, what if Christ is waiting on you!? 

If enough people believe in World Peace, then I believe World Peace will happen! Our thoughts become reality. Will you become World Peace? Will you dare to dream peace into existence? Will you say, "I AM," and not, "AM I?"

If so, join me and my mission to manifest World Peace!! Thank you for believing in ME!! Thank you for believing in YOU!! Thank you for believing in WORLD PEACE!! Thank you for being the change you wish to see in the world!!





"If you put water into a teacup, it becomes the teacup. BE LIKE WATER."


"One Love!" 


"I have a dream!"